There is something magical about about working with the primordial materials of clay, sand and water.. The magic certainly was not lost on these kids as they took their turn to work together to MAKE a special place at their school to share with the whole community. I find myself wondering what impact will this project have on their choices.. what ripples this experience will stir in their lives further down the road...
And then I find myself with the lyrics of a song spinning in my head and heart.. while we are not working with clay as potters (a role I have had in my life...with my BFA in Ceramic Arts) we are working with this magical stuff, this creative force...
The words of the "Potters Wheel" always bring on a huge response from my heart. I was first introduced to this powerful song at a concert by my friend Freyda Epstein. She sang this song on one of her albums... she is gone now.. but her voice, singing this song haunts me still.. it is how I remember her!
Potter's WheelThe children we are growing in our Evergreen Community are amazing beings, they give me hope for our future!Words and Music by Bill Danoff
The world is fast becoming younger;
The news is all they've ever known.
They've seen the wars, the hurt, the hunger.
How will they choose when they are grown?
What do you tell forever's children
When it's their turn to hurt and heal?
Whatever spins a grim tornado
Can also turn a potters wheel.
Take a little clay, Put it on a wheel
Get a little hint how God must feel.
Give a little turn, Listen to a spin,
Make it into the shape you want it in.
Tell with your life the bloody story,
Teach to their dreams, not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory,
But in what's shattered on the field.
The potters wheel takes love and caring,
Skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken,
Once they survive the potters throw.
Take a little clay, put it on a wheel;
Get a little hint how God must feel.
Give a little turn, listen to it spin;
Make it into the shape you want it in.
Some day some children will be digging
In some long forgotten ground.
And they'll find our civilization
Or what's left of it to be found.
They'll find the weapons of destruction.
But buried deeper in the hole,
They'll find a message and a promise,
In the sand, the potters bowl.
Take a little clay, put it on a wheel,
Get a little hint how God must feel.
Give a little turn, listen to a spin,
Make it into the shape you want it in.
Earth and fire and wind conspire,
With human hands, and love, and fire.Take a little clay, put it on a wheel,
Get a little hint how God must feel.
Give a little turn, listen to a spin,
Make it into the shape you want it in.
i would love to know how you secured the land for your urban garden. do you own it, rent it, did you already have it? how does it sustain itself? thanks!
scott hannan
Hi Scott,
I own my place.. well.. me and the bank.. I bought it 6+ years ago.. It is just less than a half acre.. plenty of land for what I am doing..
I work at a number of different things to make money to pay the mortgage..
I work hard to keep up the gardens! I scavenge and glean most of the materials I need to accomplish stuff here..I love Freecycle!
I started the garden 4 years ago.. it has grown!
I have heard of mud as a body scrub. Why not try it??
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